Doctorate of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (DAOM) Financial Aid Application Process
Your FAFSA and all associated Financial Aid documentation should be completed and submitted to the Financial Aid office at least three weeks prior to your cohort start date. Please refer to the Academic Calendar for specific dates.
Apply for Doctoral Program Admission, including submission of Part 4 Financial Aid Enrollment Application. If granted program acceptance, continue to steps 2-8.
Go to
Apply for a new, or retrieve an existing, PIN
Complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Emperor’s College school code is 026090.
Complete a Loan Application (Master Promissory Note) at
Complete an online Entrance Counseling at
Turn in a Request for Financial Aid form to the Financial Aid Office
Provide at least two (2) identification documents to Emperor’s Financial Aid Office. At least one must include a picture:
a copy of your Social Security Card
a copy of your current Driver’s License
a copy of your birth certificate
a copy of your passport
eligible non-citizens must also provide a copy of their Residency card